PRICE: $295*
*Sales Tax will be added to total cost depending on your state, county, and city, unless you have a tax exempt certificate.
About Analyzing Student Data
In our Reading Academy courses, we explain how to use comprehensive data to place students in instructional focus groups using universal screening/progress monitoring in combination with regular program-independent and program-dependent progress monitoring measures and specific skills assessments.
State-Specific Certificates and Assignments
Many students enroll in this Anthology to complete a State requirement. If you want to check to see if your state requirement includes the Science of Reading Research Anthology (and the associated Research Checkpoint Assignments), please visit our State Certifications page.

Approved for
Arizona K-5 Literacy Endorsement
Analyzing Student Data Details
Analyzing Student Data gives you an experience with analyzing K-5 student data at a deeper level. You will be shown models, followed by practice, using carefully selected data samples that present a variety of situations that commonly show up when analyzing K-5 data. The following information is included in the data samples for analysis:
Universal screening/progress monitoring (BOY/MOY/EOY)
Current progress monitoring trajectory information
Ashlock Foundational Skills Survey (Includes Phonological Awareness, Letter Names, Letter/Sounds, Phonics, Structural Analysis, Spelling Survey/Feature Analysis)
K-1 Student Record Form (Includes Clipboard Check data)
2-3 Flowchart
K-5 program-dependent Exit Ticket data (Priority Standards Instruction related to Informational Text and Literature Standards)
Anecdotal notes from the teacher
Student portfolio writing samples
Writing Rubrics