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Arizona Dyslexia Training Designee Certification



1 payment of $1,150

6 payments of $191.66

  • Can I purchase Lesson Maps for my new ELA adoption? 
    In the past Ashlock Consulting developed and licensed for use Lesson Maps to go with core program materials in school districts.  Our English Language Arts Priority Plans Course has replaced this product. This Course walks participants through the process of developing grade level ELA Priority Plans. The plans provide all of the support the Lesson Maps did and more, but districts have the opportunity to make decisions about which elements from the course they wish to include in their plans.  The process participants use to create these documents deepens their knowledge of effective implementation and gets buy-in for grade level use. Most school districts use their instructional materials for 7-15 years, so planning this part of the instructional day is critical!  Through our course, participants will be shown how to make grade level plans that:  • Prioritize research-based pieces of instruction from your current instructional materials.  • Provide realistic suggestions with regard to the pacing of instruction.  • Provide a Priority Standards Map for reading and writing.  • Provide Exit Ticket assessments connected to literature and informational standards.  • Provide a plan for Tier 2 comprehension and vocabulary instruction using current instructional materials connected to priority standards.  • Layer on our Templates for Effective Instruction for explicit implementation of phonological awareness and phonics instruction.  • Layer on our Reading Strategy and Skill Resource for explicit implementation of vocabulary and comprehension instruction.  • Provide reminders for teachers to engage all students in instruction and include collaborative discussion in appropriate places through their ELA block.  • Provide prompts for teachers to use the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model (I Do, We Do, Y'all Do, You Do) with literature and informational standards.  • Provide Practice Sets using the Templates for Effective Instruction at the beginning and end for each reading block.  • Direct teachers to provide a 15-20 minute Practice Reading block for differentiated time in text.  For more information see our Catalog description for our English Language Arts Priority Plans.
  • Can my Reading Experts train other people, and do those people get Certificates?
    Our Reading Expert Certification (REC) Courses train individuals to be Reading Experts. This training does allow them to train other people in your school district, but it must be done in accordance with our Master Licensing Agreement (MLA). Your district and every Reading Expert will have a signed copy of our MLA in their email inbox after enrollment. Ashlock Consulting provides Certificates of Completion for REC A + B Courses only for Reading Experts, and only after they have completed the entire course and passed the final exam.  Reading Experts cannot give out Certificates of Completion to people they train.
  • Can I watch training segments over again, or can I only watch once?
    You can watch segments in each course as many times as you'd like within the length of time your school district has licensed the course. Each course license is set to last a certain length of time, typically one year (365 days). The date is set on the day you are Enrolled in the course. You will receive an email when you are Enrolled. If you desire additional time to the access course, you (or your school district) will need to license the course for another set length of time (typically one year).
  • Can I rewatch the videos or presentations? 
    Yes, the videos and presentations follow the same rules as the previous question. You can watch as many times as you'd like within the length of time your school district has licensed the course. If you are having trouble viewing the video within Thinkific, go back a couple of Lessons in the course and go forward again. You may have to wait a few seconds for the Lesson to load. If you are still having issues, please use our Support channel.
  • Can I show the videos to my staff?
    You should review the Master License Agreement (MLA) for details specific to the course for which you are enrolled. Only the enrollee is allowed viewing rights to the course materials. You will have a copy of the MLA in your email from DocuSign.
  • To whom can I give the downloadable documents that come with my course? 
    You should review the Master License Agreement and footer on all documents connected to the course for which you are enrolled for the distribution rules. You will have a copy of the MLA in your email from DocuSign.
  • My course won't load. What should I do?
    This is hard for us to diagnose, but here are a few common solutions: See if you are using the right browser. Thinkific supports these browsers: • Chrome • Firefox • Safari • Microsoft Edge Log out and log back into Thinkific. Thinkific often updates, and we occasionally tweak your Course material. If something is not working, log out of your account, log back in, and it should work. If you are still having issues, please contact us.
  • Do I have to pay Sales Tax?
    Ashlock Consulting, Inc. offers many different products and services, and their tax status is dependent on state, county, and city laws. In general you do need to pay sales tax for any physical product, and for online courses in certain states. We indicate estimated or real sales tax where appropriate for our products, and will adjust sales tax on invoices when appropriate. If you are unsure of your sales tax rate when purchasing products, please ask your school agency accounting department.
AZ DTD Ancor







per enrollee*

▪ Reading Academy—Series A
▪ Reading Academy—Series B

* $120 annual renewal fee for whole bundle (optional)

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